Who's Luke?
I’m a hobby guy, always have been. I grew up destroying gadgets not to watch them break but to watch them come apart, see how they work, and to put them back together again.
I’ve never been satisfied with a surface level understanding of anything. To me, it’s about the internal makeup of a thing. I got into photography for the camera itself and stayed for the image it generated. I’ve only just begun this adventure in the last couple of years and I’m still figuring out my style and my personality behind a lens. Photography helps me pick apart a moment, a visual of the world I’m in, and allows me time to recognize it.
I live with my wife and our two fish (who don’t have names) in Brooklyn and hold a 9 to 5 in Midtown Manhattan, shooting on the weekends whenever possible. There are infinite excuses you can make up as to why not to do what you love, but for me the satisfaction comes from the effort. You gotta go when you can.